Grace Church, Sutton

Bonjour and Welcome to Grace Anglican Church in Sutton, Quebec

Grace Anglican Church is located in Sutton in the beautiful hills of the Eastern Townships of Quebec. The church is situated at the south end of town, on the Main Street (Route 139), at 52 Principale South. We welcome you to come and visit us at anytime.

L’Église anglicane Grâce est située à Sutton dans les belles collines des Cantons de l’Est du Québec. L’église se trouve vers le sud de la ville, sur la rue principale, au 52 rue Principale sud.  Vous êtes toujours les bienvenus chez nous.

Sunday Services at 10:30 am.
You are also welcome to follow along the service  live through Zoom at that time.

Contact Information: 
Fr. Tyson Rosberg

The Story of Grace Church Stained Glass Windows by John Dinsmore
(Originally published in Heritage Sutton #32 May 2020)


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Grace Anglican Church
52 Principale sud
Sutton, Quebec
J0E-2K0   450-538-8108

Brother, Give us a Word